Towards the One,
The Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty,
The Only Being,
United with All the Illuminated Souls
Who Form the Embodiment of the Master – the Spirit of Guidance
There is a need in the world today that many of us feel, to come more fully into harmony with our self, our world, and our Life. The following is a combination of two practices that the Buddhists use.
We’ll adapt them to the need of today:
Turn toward the Divine/the Beloved/God/the Universe and imagine your self deeply connected to this, or let your self be held by this boundless Breath.
First Part (a gift from Shahabuddin, adapted for healing). Do this 3 times. Take a short breath in, receiving that Divine Boundless Breath
Take a short breath out, imagining the Divine receiving this breath
Take a long breath in, letting this Boundless Healing Breath flow throughout your Being, offering healing and transformation everywhere it is needed
Take a long breath out, letting the Divine receive this breath
Second Part (a gift from the teaching of Pir Vilayat, adapted for Healing)
With the thought of a Love, contemplate the world, and let that Love flow to the 4 horizons, and letting Love flow wherever it is needed.
With the thought of Love increasing beyond measure, contemplate the Universe, and let that Love flow throughout the Universe up to its confines.
With the thought of Joy, contemplate the world, and let that Joy flow to the 4 horizons, letting Joy flow wherever it is needed.
With the thought of Joy increasing beyond measure, contemplate the Universe, and let that Joy flow throughout the Universe up to its confines.
With the thought of Peace, contemplate the world, and let that Peace flow to the 4 horizons, letting Peace flow wherever it is needed.
With the thought of Peace increasing beyond measure, let that Peace flow throughout the Universe up to its confines.
Once more Contemplate the whole world, letting anything else that is needed flow to the people, places and situations that need something else. Once more, Contemplate the Universe, letting anything else that is needed flow throughout the Universe up to its confines.
Third Part: Notice One thing that you can change in your actions to be more in Harmony with Life.
Examples: You might decide to carefully recycle today, or you might ride your bike to work, or you might use less electricity or water. Do this today.
You might choose to be consciously kind to 3 people. Do this today.
You might decide to challenge that critical voice inside you to be kind, the next time it judges. Do this today.
Notice one thing you can do to serve the Wider World today.
Examples: You might send a contribution to a group that works to help the trees, or oceans, or homeless children, or those with long term illness and no health care.
You might pray for those in hard hit areas of the world, for food, clothing and shelter. Do this today.
You might write to your Congress men and women, letting them know you want them to vote for environmentally sound legislation. Do this today.
You might get involved in demanding all countries cease the slaughter of their people. Do this today